Zetka Avatar (VRChat)
Heyo, this is my first model made from scratch so in some parts it will not be the best, i will be updating it with fixes and additions whenever necessary, do notify me of any issue you might find while using it! Mainly intended to be used in PC with Full Body tracking but still works fine with half body.
Version 1.0: Initial Release
Version 1.1: Fixed few animations not working due to wrong pathing, main menu improvements, dps improvements.
Version 1.2 (2023): Fixed Sound issues, moved all animations and systems to FX layer (Necessary after latest VRChat optimization update, it was pretty stupid for me to not do so from the beginning), added PhysBone limiters, fixed FX layer and animations to be Write Defaults Off or On Compatible, WD will come ON as default, but a WD Off version is now available in the Controllers folder, either way both are interchangeable.
Current Prevalent Issues: Polygon Count bug in the full version where it reads of it having 25 billion polys, this is due to the DPS mesh data body as it does not exist as a usual mesh (FBX, etc), this causes VRC SDK to freak out even though the poly count is actually around 100k tris.
Designed for VRChat, fairly customizable, preconfigured PhysBones, several toggles and sliders for their body or actions, custom roar and chomp sounds by toggle with gestures, idle spike movements and "defense" (make sure whoever touches you with that on doesn't have phantom pain, please [it happened already, i told you]) It does not like head pats, teeth and claw size control and multiple other things!
All blendshapes can be controlled through the already existing toggles and sliders in the avatar, if you wish to set a blendshape as default for it find the specific parameter and change it's default value inside the parameters.
All textures will be inside the UnityPackage provided and inside the Substance Painter files, they are all 2048 by default so you can lower them for optimization (ps: the substance painter files are from the 2022 version of substance)
The Zetka are a alien species with no eyes, each inch of it's body acts as it's own single organism working together as a hive controlled by the core inside their head (basically their brain), this allows them to maintain control of their body even after being separated, it does not allow them to multiplicate or absorb things, they still need to go through the process of ingestion to increase their mass, though they can slightly alter their body for each need (Mainly for defense) either softening or hardening their skin, they are often recognized as Spike Monsters for that.
TOS (Terms of Service):
If you have any questions please contact me.
- The Zetka may not be used for commercial purposes without my (Aparst) explicit permission.
- Redistributing and or reselling of the model and package is prohibited, you may publish public versions of the SFW version inside VRChat as long as it does not utilize the original textures and credits Aparst and include a link to the original gumroad page of the Zetka or Aparst himself (The avatar already contains a credits menu with a way to summon the links, i recommend just using that)
- Retexture commissions and other commissions involving the model are allowed as long as both the commissioner and the artist have purchased the Zetka.
- Aparst reserves the rights to the model for it's use in the following:
- Games
- Advertising (Related to the original avatar in some way such as clothing or extra things)
- You are allowed to use it for Streaming, Youtube, Twitter or whatever form of entertainment or social media you wish.
You get: Unity package, substance painter files version (2022) and FBXs